Announcement : 

We thrive at Onepoto School! Come and join us, call us on (09) – 480 7469, we can’t wait to meet you!

Weather Bomb update: Evening of 9.5.23

Tena koutou Onepoto Whanau
We hope you are safe this evening. 
At this stage school is opening tomorrow but we will assess as the night progresses and I will have some comms in consultation with the board and the MoE in the morning, if the weather changes or flooding prevents access to our property.

If you are in danger due to flooding please call 111.  Here are the Civil Defence Community Hubs for the North Shore if you need to evacuate;

No 6 (North Shore) Squadron Air Cadets Hall 
Location: 9a Achilles Crescent, Narrow Neck 
Available: shelter, tea, coffee, bedding 

Albany Community Hub 
This centre is fully operational as a Civil Defence Centre 
Location: Albany Hall, 575 Albany Highway, Albany 
Available: stretcher beds, blankets, food, water, welfare support agencies, psychosocial support 

I will keep you updated here on Facebook and our school website.

Keep safe.
Daniella Latoa-Levi